Title: Janderebaw Directed & Produced by Mihreteab Habte A new film under the title Janderebaw was be premiered last week December 10 at Alem Cinema. The film depicts a story of a woman who is persistent in suffering men as a payback for the wrongs men did in her life as a teenager. |
Senait played by Abyssinia Gebregiorgis is a sadist woman who is happy in watching men suffer. She is determined to go to the end of the world in making men as a love prisoner.
With that presumption, she incidentally falls in love with Fitsum, played by Mohammed Mifta, a man who was different from her perception.
Him falling in love with her was unattainable, like waiting a rain in the desert, so she goes to the extreme in making his brother as her boyfriend.
As the telling goes whatever time it takes the truth will be revealed so Fitsum's brother found out how she is playing with him.
He decided to give her a lesson how denial can hurt people and she was able to learn about her hasty generalization in a hard way.
As Mihreteab tells, having young production and acting crews, their common understanding made their work easier and smoothened the whole process.
Usually in film making, hustles happen specially when it comes to actors but our case was different that we worked as a family by supported one another, comments Mihreteab.
The film took one year and six months of shooting.