'Sibirat', an action movie directed by Henock Ayele, premiered Saturday 22nd of January 2011 at the Addis Ababa City Hall. The film is a tale of misfortunes: Alemayehu (played by Sisay Demissie) is a young man who is constantly followed by bad luck.
His parents were murdered when Alemayehu was still a child. Being an orphan, he was then forced to leave the countryside and lead a miserable life all alone on the streets of the capital Addis Ababa. Ten years later, Alemayehu has a steady job and his life seems to have finally taken the right direction. But then, through a series of incidents everything falls apart again. Bad luck follows him whatever he does and wherever he goes. Alemayehu trusts no one and sees an enemy in everybody that surrounds him.
Screenplay by Sisay Demisse Produced by Sis Film Production |