The renowned actor Shewaferaw Desalgen's new film Sewyew (The Man) premiered at the Addis Ababa Culture and Theater Hall last weekend. The new film, involving some 110 cast and crewmembers, is a suspense story on an Ethiopian family. The 95-minute-long film took a year to make and was written, acted and directed by Shewaferaw himself. Aklilu Hailemariam also contributed to the production of the film by helping to co-write the script and Shewaferw's Theater, Film and Advertisement promotion produced the movie.
The movie was filmed in Addis Ababa and Debre Libanos, some 122 km north of the capital.
The drama and theater artist Shewaferaw has acted in many Ethiopian films, and took his lessons on filmmaking from his various experiences.
Source: The Ethiopian Reporter
Production: Shewaferw's Theater, Film and Advertisement promotion Length: 95 minutes Script writing: Shewaferahu Desalegn & Aklilu Hailemariam |