Triangle (Sost Maezen)
A film about the hardships of illegal migration and human trafficking by Ethiopian writer-director Theodros Teshome
Kaleab and Jemal are two friends who are willing to endure any danger to reach America and the a promise of a better life, but is it?
Along the way Kaleab meets Winta, who is from neighboring Eritrea and on a similar journey. Kaleab and Winta fall in love as the group of Ethiopians and Eritreans travel an arduous and illegal path from East Africa through Libya, Italy, Mexico and finally to the United States.
The film is produced by Sebastopol Entertainment PLC. It stars Solomon Bogale and Mahder Assefa, two of the most famous actors in Ethiopia. Bogale has starred in over 40 films. Assefa has starred in over 20 films and is currently filming in Ethiopia. Triangle also stars Samson Tadesse and Muluken Teshome, the director's brother.